Query Optimization

This is a collection of papers on query optimization. To contribute, add an entry in references.bib (and optionally add some notes). Make sure to copy directly from DBLP when possible, and do not change the citation ID. If you want to compile on your machine, install pandoc and run make.

Chaudhuri, S. 1998. An overview of query optimization in relational systems. Proceedings of the seventeenth ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD-SIGART symposium on principles of database systems, june 1-3, 1998, seattle, washington, USA (1998), 34–43.
Graefe, G. 1995. The cascades framework for query optimization. IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 18, 3 (1995), 19–29.
Graefe, G. and DeWitt, D.J. 1987. The EXODUS optimizer generator. Proceedings of the association for computing machinery special interest group on management of data 1987 annual conference, san francisco, CA, USA, may 27-29, 1987 (1987), 160–172.
Graefe, G. and McKenna, W.J. 1993. The volcano optimizer generator: Extensibility and efficient search. Proceedings of the ninth international conference on data engineering, april 19-23, 1993, vienna, austria (1993), 209–218.
Kabra, N. and DeWitt, D.J. 1999. OPT++: An object-oriented implementation for extensible database query optimization. VLDB J. 8, 1 (1999), 55–78. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1007/S007780050074.
Nevarez, B. 2011. Inside the SQL server query optimizer. Red gate books.
Pirahesh, H. et al. 1992. Extensible/rule based query rewrite optimization in starburst. Proceedings of the 1992 ACM SIGMOD international conference on management of data, san diego, california, USA, june 2-5, 1992 (1992), 39–48.
Selinger, P.G. et al. 1979. Access path selection in a relational database management system. Proceedings of the 1979 ACM SIGMOD international conference on management of data, boston, massachusetts, USA, may 30 - june 1 (1979), 23–34.
Shankar, S. et al. 2012. Query optimization in microsoft SQL server PDW. Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD international conference on management of data, SIGMOD 2012, scottsdale, AZ, USA, may 20-24, 2012 (2012), 767–776.
Soliman, M.A. et al. 2014. Orca: A modular query optimizer architecture for big data. International conference on management of data, SIGMOD 2014, snowbird, UT, USA, june 22-27, 2014 (2014), 337–348.
Taft, R. et al. 2020. CockroachDB: The resilient geo-distributed SQL database. Proceedings of the 2020 international conference on management of data, SIGMOD conference 2020, online conference [portland, OR, USA], june 14-19, 2020 (2020), 1493–1509.